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Questions often asked...




When are fees due?

Fees are paid before the beginning of the term, and before the start of half term, and no later than the gymnasts' first session back. A term can be paid in full, or in two halves of a term.



What is an admin fee? Why would I get charged with one?

If fees are not paid on time there will be a £9 admin fee for every week we do not receive any payment.

Fees should be paid before the end of term, ready for the next fee cycle to avoid missing the first week back deadline.

If fees are not paid by week two, members will not be permitted inside the gym. Parents or guardians will be asked to come to the gym and pay before members can participate in the session. Frequent offenders paying late fees will lose their space. 



What programs do you offer?

We offer five programs. Two non-competitive programs, Pre-School Gymnastics, & Recreational Gymnastics. And Three competitive programs, General Gymnastics, Womens Artistic Gymnastics, and Mens Artistic Gymnastics.



What about missed sessions?

Fees must still be paid even when members do not attend a session. If you have informed us of a situation beyond your control EXAMPLE: An injury, accident, or incident, then we will carry the session fee over to the next term. 

If you do not inform us that your son/daughter is not attending a session we will not carry over any fees. No exceptions! Gymnasts who miss training because they have a cold will not be offered a session fee carry over.



How can I pay for fees?

You can pay by either BACS or card. Cheques payments are no longer accepted. Cash is also allowed as a form of payment, however, as mentioned BACS or card payments are a preference.



How old do you have to be to join Flying Angels Gymnastics Club?

We have preschool classes and start gymnasts at age 2 years and potty trained.



What should my son/daughter wear for gymnastics?

It is recommended that gymnasts wear a leotard. Boys wear boys a leotard and shorts, girls wear a leotard, they can also wear legging or shorts over the leotard if they feel uncomfortable for older gymnasts. Our club kit is available for purchase at the front desk. The kit including leotards, t-shirts, hoodies, tracksuit bottoms and shorts.



Can children wear jewellery?

British Gymnastics policy states that it is unsafe for children to wear any jewellery whilst participating in gymnastics. Please ensure children do not have any jewellery with them in case of loss.



Can I stay on-site?

Parents/guardians are welcome to stay on the premises, however, parents cannot sit in on the session. We ask that you are prompt in collecting your son/daughter at the end of the session if leaving the site. Coaches will arrange a time for parents/guardians to watch their child(ren) when they have learned a new skill.

We have parent days, which we announce in advance, it is also can found on our calendar. Every year the gymnasts participate in displays for parents/guardians to watch.



Do you offer a sibling discount?

We do not offer sibling or family discounts.



Does my child get a break time?

Yes, depending on the session your child does will depend on how long they get a break for. Gymnasts who do one hour or less do not get a snack break, however, if they become thirsty, they are allowed to have a drink. 

We have a tuck-shop onsite, for children to purchase snacks, or drinks during their break time.



What is the maximum amount of children per class?

We have eight gymnasts to one coach for most classes. Pre-school and Recreational classes are fifteen to two coaches



When or can my child move up to the next group/level?

Children are continually being assessed. All children develop at their own pace. We make sure gymnasts are ready to move up before we inform parents of any changes made to a group of the gymnasts' class. When a coach feels that a gymnast is capable both physically, and mentally to go into the next level of training, notice will be given to you.

We do not make changes to groups or members through the middle of a half term. If we see a child needs to move to a more appropriate group for their age and level, a coach will discuss this with you, and the gymnast will move during the half term.



Do you have a half-term?

We run classes through half term. The only time we have a break is for Easter, the summer holidays, and Christmas.



How do I take care of a leotard?

Hand washing leotards is the best way to up the appearance of the style and fabric of the material. It is also easier to prevent colours from running into one another.



What do I do if I've been approached by a coach from another club about my child?

This is called poaching. Poaching is illegal and any offer from a coach from any other club should be declined.



Why are there young people coaching my child?

We run a leadership academy, we offer current gymnasts our leadership academy program, which starts from age eleven. The members of the leadership academy are always supervised. To learn more, please click the link here.

MYLeadership Academy



Does my child have to wear the club leotard to competitions? / Do I have to buy the competition leotard?

The simple answer is yes. Without wearing the correct attire, Flying Angels Gymnastics Club, WILL NOT allow for the gymnast to compete on the day. It is a requirement that all members representing our club are to be unified. Also to add to this, not wearing the correct attire will result in disqualification from the competition organisers. To know what your child should be wearing please click one of the following links below. (To find what your child must wear scroll to the second box for "Competition Attire"

General Gymnastics

Mens Artistic Gymnastics

Womens Artistic Gymnastics



How much time do I need to give for notice?

You need to give a full term's notice if you would like to finish membership with Flying Angels Gymnastics Club. If you do not give notice, you still are required to pay for the full term. This is non-negotiable.



Where can I park?

There is parking on site. However parking can sometimes be very busy, offsite parking is available in the surrounding area.



Monday - CLOSED

Tuesday - 5.10 PM - 7.10 PM

Wednesday - CLOSED 

Thursday - 5.10 PM - 7.10 PM

Friday - 5.10 PM - 7.10 PM

​Saturday - 10.00 AM - 3.00 PM

​Sunday - CLOSED

Flying Angels Gymnastics Club,

The Elms Academy

Elms Road,






Tel: 07951833520


Call hours: Mon - Fri - 4pm-8pm

                         Sat - 9am-5pm



Clapham common

Clapham South



50, 155, & 249

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Created by © Flying Angels Gymnastics Club Ltd

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