Baskervilles' Cup Competition 2019
Well done to Amari Ford, Che Liston-Lazarides, for the Under 13 Advanced level.
Che achieved 2nd place on all round, as well as 2nd place on all indiviual pieces. Amari Won all around, and came 1st on all individual pieces, with that, was awared a first place cup.
Well done to Oilver Hime, who was awarded 1st place all around, in the Over 13 Advanced level. Oilver was 1st on Floor, 1st on Vault, 2nd on Trampet, and 2nd on Bar. Oilver was also awared a first place cup.
Great job to all the boys, and Coach Nathan for their wonderful achievements.
Here are the results:
Highlight video: